台北医学大学萧育仁教授做客“百脉大讲坛”(43):The importance of financial literacy


此次报告主题为“The importance of financial literacy”。报告伊始,萧教授介绍了关于金融知识调查的背景与方法,随后梳理了研究金融知识与储蓄、投资、保险等金融行为之间关系的相关文献,对高水平的文献做了精彩解读。最后,萧教授结合自己最近在金融知识与金融行为方面的一系列研究做了讲解,谈到了获取数据的重要性,不同地区之间研究的差异等。








1. Hsiao, Yu-Jen, Te-Chien Lo and Sheng-Che Lin. 2018/09. Information Security Risk and Costs of Capital: Evidence from Taiwan Semiconductor Companies.Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics, and Finance, 6, 191-206.

2. Hsiao, Yu-Jen*, Chi-Feng Lee and Wei-Ho Hsiao. 2018/06. The Relationship between Adolescent Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior.Journal of Management and Business Research,35, 221-240.(TSSCI)

3. Hsiao, Yu-Jenand Wei-Che Tsai. 2018/03. Financial Literacy and Participation in the Derivatives Market.Journal of Banking and Finance, 88, 15-29.(SSCI, NSCATier-1Journal)

4. Hsiao, Yu-Jen*, Ming-Shen Chen, Kuan-Chen Chen and Yong-Syuan Yang. 2018/01. Is It Better To Be a Global Systematically Important Bank?Review of Securities & Futures Market. Accepted.(TSSCI)

5. Hsiao, Yu-Jen+, Kuan-Chen Chen and Nien-Tzu Chou. 2017/12. The Impacts of Mode of Communication with the Bank on the Cost of Bank Loans: Evidence from Small Businesses. TaiwanJournal of Applied Economics.Accepted.(TSSCI)

6. Hsiao, Yu-Jen*and Yi-Wen Tseng. 2016/09. Bank Capital Regulation and Dividend Policy.Journal of Financial Studies, 24:3, 45-68.(TSSCI)

7. Hsiao, Yu-Jen, Jing-Twen Chen and Chih-Feng Liao. 2016/06. The Relationship between Financial Literacy and Retirement Planning.Journal of Management and Business Research, 33, 311-335.(TSSCI)

8. Hsiao, Yu-Jen+,Shih-Jie Lin and Dambaravdan Chinbat. 2016/06. Financial Literacy, SavingBehavior and Retirement Planning in the Taiwan. Cross-Strait Banking and Finance, 4,1-21.
